10 Must-Reads Ahead Of Today’s SJC Markup
Despite a last minute manager’s amendment that acknowledges but does nothing to address the key weaknesses of the bill, the Senate Judiciary Committee will today markup Senator Klobuchar’s American Innovation and Choice Online Act, a radical breakup bill in disguise that would arbitrarily punish America’s leading tech companies. Here’s what to read to get yourself up to speed:
1. “Breaking Up Tech Is A Gift To China” — This WSJ op-ed by former U.S. National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien explains how antiquated interpretations of antitrust would damage leading U.S. tech companies amid critical tech competition with China.
2. “Small Businesses Speak Out Against Anti-Tech Bills” — Anti-tech legislation, like the Klobuchar bill, targets leading American companies but ignores how the legislation would have dramatic consequences for small businesses by destroying many free tools and services.
3. “Anti-Tech Bills Will Make Inflation Worse, Not Better” — Despite talking points, it’s clear that Congress’s antitrust bills will not reduce inflation. Check out the full story on how they could actually make inflation worse.
4. “Antitrust Attacks On U.S. Tech Companies Pose National Security Risks” — Read about how recent antitrust efforts against leading U.S. tech companies could have serious consequences for American competitiveness and security.
5. “It’s Deja Vu for Yet Another Misguided Tech Regulation Proposal” — With the Klobuchar bill about to be marked up without a hearing, check out Arthur Sidney’s piece on how the Senate is repeating the House’s mistakes.
6. “Senate And House Anti-Tech Bills Could Cost $300 Billion” — A NERA study released late last year shows how Senate and House anti-tech bills could cost approximately $300 billion, hurting US companies, startups, small-to-medium businesses, and consumers.
7. “Criticism Of Sen. Klobuchar’s Radical Antitrust Bill Continues To Roll In From All Sides” — Experts, small business owners, and thought leaders from across the political spectrum have concerns about the potential harms of this bill.
8. “Senate Antitrust Bill Helps Legacy Retailers At The Expense Of Consumers and SMBs” — Learn more about how this bill would ban Amazon from common business practices while exempting the biggest legacy retailers from similar burdens.
9. “A ‘Picking Winners And Losers’ Bill” — Read about how the Klobuchar bill would prohibit Google from showing a range of helpful search results but allow Google’s competitions to show the same information.
10. “The Companies Targeted By This Legislation Are The Same Ones Driving U.S. Innovation Leadership” — Data shows that the U.S. is by far the leader in R&D spending in software, hardware, and internet sectors—thanks to the extensive investments from leading U.S. technology companies.